Thursday, May 16, 2013

The plan has changed

Many of you have received my support letter in the mail and have read through this paragraph,

“On August 30, 2013 I will leave for the mission field for three and a half months (returning December 12, 2013). During those months I will be living in Malawi, Tanzania, and Mozambique; all of which are beautiful yet devastated countries in eastern Africa”

In January I started analyzing and wondering about the trip a little too much.   
My amazing Swazi family

wondering if I would bond with this team as well as I did with my Swazi team

wondering if three and a half months was maybe a little too long

My amazing real family...on a weird bike haha
wondering if being away from my family and everything I knew would be too hard this time

As I started fasting and praying about this issue I was amazed at how quickly I became calm about these things. God completely made it clear that HE was in control and that HIS plan is what is best for me.  And all the little things really did seem incredibly little compared to God and His wonderful plan!

As the months when on though, God started stretching and challenging me more…a lot more.

This peace wasn't so evident anymore…and I started doubting again.  

On April 3rd I found out that I would be going to South Africa, Swaziland, and Mozambique…not Malawi, Tanzania, and Mozambique. Finding out this information was harder than most would expect. I had done my research on THESE countries, I had checked out books from the library about THESE countries, and I even started looking up the specific vaccinations I would need for each of THESE countries.  I was excited, to say the least, about THESE countries.

serving food in Swaziland
Then on May 2nd I found out that the length of my trip had been changed. Instead of staying until December 12th I would be staying until November 26th . Two weeks shorter… two weeks less that I can reach out and love those people, two weeks less that I don’t get to be in the place that I passionately love, two weeks less that I get to be with my new family…two weeks less. And quite honestly I was really looking forward to spending Thanksgiving in Africa. Spending a holiday that focuses on food so much in a country that has thousands of starving people was very intriguing to me. I wanted to prepare an African Thanksgiving and invite all of the friendly African faces that I had built relationships with to our feast. It would be a day to remember and cherish forever. But now that will not happen.
Just some of the beautiful faces in Africa

When I found this out I was upset, frustrated, and confused. I found myself asking God, “Really? Is this REALLY Your plan? God, I gave it all up to you already; I already overcame my struggles and doubts about this trip. God, this was not the plan.”

And there is was, in that last thought, “God, this was not the plan”…I had been thinking about myself and what I wanted. This isn't my plan and this isn't my life. I was becoming consumed with things of the world and what I thought was good for me. And when I think about that now I laugh. I am only 19, how in the world do I know what is right for me! Only God knows that. God has a wonderful and amazing plan for my life and I do need to keep completely surrendering everything in my life.  Not surrendering sometimes, half way, or just when I want. Surrender everything all the time.

Adventures In Missions is always emphasizing the idea not to have expectations. Because if you have expectations you WILL be disappointed. There is no way that everything I think and plan out for this trip, or for my life even, can be met.  So, why even  bother planning it? Why create expectations? Why not just leave the planning to God? After all He does know what is right and what is best for me. So this time I really am going to give it all up to Him and trust FULLY that His plan will work out.

There is a reason why God does not want me out of the country those two weeks. And there is a reason why I should not be in Tanzania or Malawi. I don’t know the answer why but I don’t need to. I trust God, I really do! 

Here are the explanations that AIM has given me about why these changes happened. Since many of you are supporting me I do want to keep you informed on why these types of changes happen and that they are still subject to change.

Country Change: AIM is in the process of transitioning out of some African countries because of health and safety issues. Sometimes their ministry hosts have plans that change as well, so they are not able to facilitate hosting teams which means that AIM has to seek new locations.

Trip Length Change: This is due to fit the 90-days in-country guideline for visas. There have been issues in the past with getting visa extensions and it has been decided participants will spend 87 days overseas.

I hope you all understand why these changes have been made and if you have any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to leave me a comment or e-mail me. I want all of my supporters to feel involved and informed so please don’t hesitate with anything you feel you want to express to me.

1 comment:

  1. I look so forward to your updates, as the date nears several thoughts go thru a moms head Hmm how I will miss you will you be safe(the mom has a hard time letting go ) , but also how much I admire your faith and how much you just trust God to supply all your needs.God is amazing we are told to trust and he will provide. You show so many of us that thru your faith all things are possible , so many eyes are on you because of your amazing faith. Know I am so proud of you Katherine. Love You Mom
