Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Meet the Family

I finally met (via facebook) some, if not all, of my teammates for my trip. The love and encouragement that I already feel from these wonderful people is absolutely amazing! We are all so open with each other and already asking for advice about issues at home, AND WE HAVEN’T EVEN MET YET! God has yet again shown how amazing His plan is by choosing the absolute perfect people for this team. I am so grateful for the openness and genuine love that everyone is already displaying for each other! 

I asked them all (and myself) to answer some very important questions so you all could get to know my new family.

Name: Katherine Leah Leipold
Age: 19
From: Ottawa, Illinois
Is it pop, soda, soft drink or coke? Pop
Favorite Verse: Joshua 1:9
Milkshake or Smoothie? Smoothie because I LOVE all that healthy junk. 
Favorite book (other than the bible): Kisses from Katie by Katie Davis
Country you’re most excited for: I am really excited for all of them but Swaziland has a special place in my heart because I have already been there and have already fallen in love with the beautiful people of Swazi.

Name: Allison (Ally) Samantha White
Age: 18
From: Londonderry, New Hampshire
Is it pop, soda, soft drink or coke? Soda
Favorite verse: Habakkuk 1:5
Milkshake or smoothie? Smoothie
Favorite book (other than the bible): Harry Potter series
Country you’re most excited for? Mozambique

Name: Carli Elise Waymir
Age: 18 years old
From: Beavercreek, Ohio
Is it pop, soda, or coke? Pop duh
Favorite verse: Philippians 4:13
Milkshake or smoothie? Smoothie (preferably with protein)
Favorite book (other than the bible):  The Glass castle
Country you’re most excited for? Swaziland!

Name:Amanda Brooke Redwine
Age: 21
From: Columbus, Georgia (Yes, I'm a Georgia Peach)
Is it pop, soda, soft drink or coke? It's coke down here! And we love our sweet tea!
Favorite verse: My favorite verse changes with seasons...but right now, it's Ephesians 3:20
Milkshake or smoothie? Tropical smoothie any day!
Favorite book (other than the bible):  The Pursuit of God
Country you’re most excited for? Mozambique or Swaziland...tough one. 

Name: Tessa Grace Bosman
Age: 19
From: Oak Brook, Il
Is it pop, soda, soft drink or coke? Pop
Favorite verse: 1 John 4:7-8
Milkshake or smoothie? Smoothie
Favorite book (other than the bible): Too many, but I just read Wild by Cheryl Strayed and really enjoyed it.
Country you’re most excited for? I'm excited for all of them.

Name: Daniel Luke Johnson
Age: 20
From: Lunenburg, MA
Is it pop, soda, soft drink or coke? Soda emphasis on the ah.
Favorite verse: 1 Corinthians 13 because this speaks a lot about faith and love reminding me of God's love for me and how I am to love, John 3:16 again because it reminds me of how much God loves me, John 15:5 because it is so true and it pushes me to be His hands and feet. Beacuse without Him I am nothing.
Milkshake or smoothie? Smoothie
Favorite book (other than the bible):  Becoming a Man of Unwavering Faith by Joel Olsteen
Country you’re most excited for? Mozambique

Name: Blake Christian Smith
Age: 18
From: Atlanta, Georgia
Is it pop, soda, soft drink or coke? Coke (all sodas are called that)
Favorite verse: Habakkuk 1:5
Milkshake or smoothie? Smoothie (hopefully organic good stuff)
Favorite book (other than the bible):  Love does by Bob Geoff! (He's a friend of my sister and myself)
Country you’re most excited for? South Africa; really stoked if we get to go to Cape Town my sis says its indescribably beautiful.

Name: Brittany Lynn Bunch
Age: 18
From: Eldridge, Iowa
Is it pop, soda, soft drink or coke? Up here it's pop but I'm one to call it soda.
Favorite verse: Isaiah 6:8 or Philippians 4:13 or Luke 1:37 (NIV)
Milkshake or smoothie?  Panera strawberry smoothie
Favorite book (other than the bible): Possibly Gone with the Wind...but I can't choose.
Country you’re most excited for? South Africa

Name: Caitlin Jeanne Lindblom
Age: 19
From: West lafayette, IN
Is it pop, soda, soft drink or coke? Pop haha
Favorite verse: Joshua 1:9
Milkshake or smoothie? Smoothie
Favorite book (other than the bible): Crazy love
Country you’re most excited for? Swaziland 

Name: Bettina Ann Babu
Age: 22- so old!
From: Paramus, New Jersey
Is it pop, soda, soft drink or coke? Soda
Favorite verse: Jeremiah 29:11
Milkshake or smoothie? Smoothie
Favorite book (other than the bible): Great Gatsby
Country you’re most excited for? Swaziland

Name: Aimee  Lynn Marbury
From: Jackson,Mississippi.
Is it pop, soda, soft drink or coke?  Soda
Favorite verse: I honestly don't have a favorite verse!
Milkshake or smoothie?  Milkshake 
Favorite book (other than the bible): I'm a big reader so picking a favorite would be impossible.
Country you’re most excited for? I've never been to any of these countries so I'm excited about all of them!

Name: Brittany Ann Cooley
Age: 19  
From: I'm from Australia, but I've lived in Asia for ages  now.
Is it pop, soda, soft drink or coke? Soft drink   
Favorite verse: Matthew 16:24
Milkshake or Smoothie? Mango smoothie!
Favorite book (other than the bible): I love to read! Anything Jodi Picoult I love!

Country you’re most excited for: Probably Swaziland. I love kids and I've heard there are so many orphans from AIDS there.

Many of you may recognize my first teammate that is listed after me. Ally was one of my amazing Swaziland teammates from last summer. Throughout this past year we have stayed incredibly close and she has been my go to person during some very hard times. I am so excited to be serving with my Swazi sister in Africa again. She truly is one of my best friends and I cannot wait to see where God takes our friendship.

We ran into each other in the airport in  March.
 Jesus is cool like that haha.

I am so excited to see the work God does in and through this team! Please pray for each of us as we prepare for this amazing journey. Many of my teammates are still in great need of funds so please pray that those donations will come in. And if the Lord is leading you to give towards any of these amazing people please feel free to contact me and I can give you their information! 

1 comment:

  1. This is just great , as Katherine's mom I loved being able to take a peek into the lives of her teammates. What a blessing to be able to put a face with your names. Know I will be praying for each and everyone of you.
    May God Bless you and keep you safe, on this journey that lies ahead serving our Lord. He has so many wonderful things in store for each
    and everyone of you. Because of your obedience
    to serve him our wonderful Lord.

    Lenise Leipold (Katherine's mom)
