Thursday, July 18, 2013

You have questions? I have answers!!!

There are many questions that come up when I tell people that I will be living in Africa for a semester. So here are some answers for many of those common questions. 

Beautiful Swaziland landscape
Where Are You Going?
South Africa, Swaziland, and Mozambique. We will live in each country for one month.

When do you leave and return?
I leave for training camp Monday August 26th and return Tuesday November 26th (two days before Thanksgiving).

What is training camp?
The first few days of the trip will be spent in Atlanta, GA. This is a time for my team to get to know each other and to get ready spiritually, emotionally, and physically for our trip. A lot of growth happens in these few days and we really get prepared to be fully immersed into the African way of life. 

What is Adventures In Missions (AIM)?
Adventures in Missions is an interdenominational missions organization that focuses on discipleship. They emphasize prayer and relationships in their work amongst the poor.
Since AIM was established in 1989, they  have taken over 100,000 people into the mission field, some for as short as a week and others for as long as a year or longer. In several places around the world they minister year-round to "the least of these".  AIM believes that by giving people the opportunity to hold orphans, bring hope to the hopeless, and pray for the sick, lives are transformed.
AIM seeks to disciple as Jesus did; their vision is that God would use them to raise up a generation of radically committed disciples of Jesus Christ.

Are you going to school while you are there?
No, I am not but when I return I will start classes again at Illinois Valley Community College to continue my education.

How much and what do you have to pack?
We are allowed a 50 lb backing-packing pack and then a carry on which will serve as my day backpack. In those packs I have to fit A LOT of stuff like: A week’s worth of clothing (7 shirts, 4 long skirts, 1 pair of jeans, 1 sweatshirt, and a raincoat), 3 pairs of shoes, sleeping bag, travel pillow, headlamp, bible, journal, camera, quick-dry towel, tent, sleeping pad, toiletries, sunscreen, bug spray, hand sanitizer, adapter,  malaria meds…you get the picture, I think. Basically, a lot of stuff in a very small space haha.

*If you would like to donate any items towards my trip please contact me and I will give you a list.

Can you receive packages or letters?
Sadly no, because it takes months for mail to get to Africa (if it even does get there).

Will you have internet?
Yes, but it will be limited and it may be very slow. My team will have a blog while we are there and you can read many updates on there. I will also be able to email my family back home.  It is estimated that I will probably get internet about once a week but that isn't a guarantee.

What will you eat?
Pap and Beans
This will vary on where we are. We may have the opportunity to prepare our own meals or we may live with a host who will cook for us. More than likely we will be eating a lot of pap (pronounced like pop) and beans. Pap is made from maize corn meal and water. It looks a lot like mashed potatoes but doesn't taste nearly as good. And hopefully we will be eating a lot of fresh fruits and veggies but we won’t know until we get there. 

Where will you sleep?
Huts in Swaziland
This will vary as well. We will not know until we get there but we will be sleeping in our tents for part of the trip. The other part we may live in a hut with a host family, live in a hut on our own, stay in a church, or something else. The possibilities for this are endless and I am excited for the adventure!

Who are you going with?
I will be going with a team of about 15 college aged kids plus a few leaders. My teammates are from all over the place and the first time we meet will be at training camp.

Will you have free time?

Yes, we will be living there like regular people and just like everyone else there will be time for us to do things other than ministry. We will have time to go grocery shopping, do laundry, go on a walk, and return emails. There will also be a few times when we can do “fun” things. This may include a safari, going to the beach, bungee jumping, and much more.

What will you do?
Passing out clothing to hundreds of people
While we are there our ministry will change depending on our location. AIM believes that ministry is a way of life, not just a daily assignment to complete. AIM sets up ministry options before we arrive, but a lot of our ministry is determined by asking the Lord what He is calling us to do specifically. Our team may see a need that AIM doesn't even know exists and AIM wants us to have the freedom to do something about that need! But more specifically we may be teaching English, working at care-points (a place for locals to get free food), working with orphans, doing hospital/hospice visits, planting churches, hosting clothing distributions, door to door evangelizing, and so much more. One of my favorite things about AIM is that they focus a lot on relationships. Ministry isn't limited to only feeding starving children but it could just be forming a relationship our translator or a vendor at the market. Poor and starving kids are not the only ones that need Jesus, EVERYONE NEEDS JESUS!

Why go overseas?
Feeding a baby in Swaziland
This is a very common question I get because many people get very defensive about America.  I 100% agree that people here in the U.S. need help but I do believe that different people are called to serve in different places. The places I am going have hardly any resources for people to get help from. There aren't homeless shelters, food stamps, or foster care. Many of these people have not received a quality education. Their government tells them that if you have sex with a young virgin you will get rid of AIDS (how ridiculous because that just makes the problem worse!)  I think with the amazing education I have been blessed with I can share that knowledge with others and then they can share it with future generations.
I love my home town, state, and country but right now God is calling me to make my home somewhere else.  He’s calling me to love these people, reach out, and show them Jesus. 

What are you most excited about? 
Honestly??? Everything! I know that is pretty broad but it's true. 
I'm excited for my relationship with God to grow. 
I'm excited to gain a new family. 
I'm excited to play with children hours on end. 
I'm excited to to learn about the different cultures. 
I am excited to live uncomfortably.
I'm excited to build relationships with the people I meet. 
I'm excited to pray with AIDS patients. 
I'm excited to pray over a poor family. 
I'm excited to live in a tent. 
I'm excited to eat different food. 
I'm excited for fat cakes (seriously best dessert ever!)
I'm excited to NOT shower. 
I'm excited to smell.
I'm excited to be sick.
I'm excited to see tragedy. 
I'm excited to see brokenness. 
I'm excited to be broken. 
I'm excited to be stretched. 
I'm excited to be blessed and bless others. 
The list is endless

I can't choose one thing because without one of those things another couldn't happen. And without any of those things this experience wouldn't be worth it. So, I am incredibly excited for even those awful times. Even when I am barfing on the side of the road and on a bus from eating a pear washed in African water (this happened to  me last year haha.) And even in those awful disgusting moments there is always something God is teaching me.

Please keep praying for my team and each individual we encounter!  

If you have any other questions about my trip please feel free to facebook or e-mail me. 

And again, there are many items that I still need to purchase and I would love any donations that you would like to give. I will also accept borrowed or used items. 

Thank you to everyone who has all ready donated items towards my trip! It means the world to me and this trip would not be possible if it weren't for people like you!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Meet the Family

I finally met (via facebook) some, if not all, of my teammates for my trip. The love and encouragement that I already feel from these wonderful people is absolutely amazing! We are all so open with each other and already asking for advice about issues at home, AND WE HAVEN’T EVEN MET YET! God has yet again shown how amazing His plan is by choosing the absolute perfect people for this team. I am so grateful for the openness and genuine love that everyone is already displaying for each other! 

I asked them all (and myself) to answer some very important questions so you all could get to know my new family.

Name: Katherine Leah Leipold
Age: 19
From: Ottawa, Illinois
Is it pop, soda, soft drink or coke? Pop
Favorite Verse: Joshua 1:9
Milkshake or Smoothie? Smoothie because I LOVE all that healthy junk. 
Favorite book (other than the bible): Kisses from Katie by Katie Davis
Country you’re most excited for: I am really excited for all of them but Swaziland has a special place in my heart because I have already been there and have already fallen in love with the beautiful people of Swazi.

Name: Allison (Ally) Samantha White
Age: 18
From: Londonderry, New Hampshire
Is it pop, soda, soft drink or coke? Soda
Favorite verse: Habakkuk 1:5
Milkshake or smoothie? Smoothie
Favorite book (other than the bible): Harry Potter series
Country you’re most excited for? Mozambique

Name: Carli Elise Waymir
Age: 18 years old
From: Beavercreek, Ohio
Is it pop, soda, or coke? Pop duh
Favorite verse: Philippians 4:13
Milkshake or smoothie? Smoothie (preferably with protein)
Favorite book (other than the bible):  The Glass castle
Country you’re most excited for? Swaziland!

Name:Amanda Brooke Redwine
Age: 21
From: Columbus, Georgia (Yes, I'm a Georgia Peach)
Is it pop, soda, soft drink or coke? It's coke down here! And we love our sweet tea!
Favorite verse: My favorite verse changes with seasons...but right now, it's Ephesians 3:20
Milkshake or smoothie? Tropical smoothie any day!
Favorite book (other than the bible):  The Pursuit of God
Country you’re most excited for? Mozambique or Swaziland...tough one. 

Name: Tessa Grace Bosman
Age: 19
From: Oak Brook, Il
Is it pop, soda, soft drink or coke? Pop
Favorite verse: 1 John 4:7-8
Milkshake or smoothie? Smoothie
Favorite book (other than the bible): Too many, but I just read Wild by Cheryl Strayed and really enjoyed it.
Country you’re most excited for? I'm excited for all of them.

Name: Daniel Luke Johnson
Age: 20
From: Lunenburg, MA
Is it pop, soda, soft drink or coke? Soda emphasis on the ah.
Favorite verse: 1 Corinthians 13 because this speaks a lot about faith and love reminding me of God's love for me and how I am to love, John 3:16 again because it reminds me of how much God loves me, John 15:5 because it is so true and it pushes me to be His hands and feet. Beacuse without Him I am nothing.
Milkshake or smoothie? Smoothie
Favorite book (other than the bible):  Becoming a Man of Unwavering Faith by Joel Olsteen
Country you’re most excited for? Mozambique

Name: Blake Christian Smith
Age: 18
From: Atlanta, Georgia
Is it pop, soda, soft drink or coke? Coke (all sodas are called that)
Favorite verse: Habakkuk 1:5
Milkshake or smoothie? Smoothie (hopefully organic good stuff)
Favorite book (other than the bible):  Love does by Bob Geoff! (He's a friend of my sister and myself)
Country you’re most excited for? South Africa; really stoked if we get to go to Cape Town my sis says its indescribably beautiful.

Name: Brittany Lynn Bunch
Age: 18
From: Eldridge, Iowa
Is it pop, soda, soft drink or coke? Up here it's pop but I'm one to call it soda.
Favorite verse: Isaiah 6:8 or Philippians 4:13 or Luke 1:37 (NIV)
Milkshake or smoothie?  Panera strawberry smoothie
Favorite book (other than the bible): Possibly Gone with the Wind...but I can't choose.
Country you’re most excited for? South Africa

Name: Caitlin Jeanne Lindblom
Age: 19
From: West lafayette, IN
Is it pop, soda, soft drink or coke? Pop haha
Favorite verse: Joshua 1:9
Milkshake or smoothie? Smoothie
Favorite book (other than the bible): Crazy love
Country you’re most excited for? Swaziland 

Name: Bettina Ann Babu
Age: 22- so old!
From: Paramus, New Jersey
Is it pop, soda, soft drink or coke? Soda
Favorite verse: Jeremiah 29:11
Milkshake or smoothie? Smoothie
Favorite book (other than the bible): Great Gatsby
Country you’re most excited for? Swaziland

Name: Aimee  Lynn Marbury
From: Jackson,Mississippi.
Is it pop, soda, soft drink or coke?  Soda
Favorite verse: I honestly don't have a favorite verse!
Milkshake or smoothie?  Milkshake 
Favorite book (other than the bible): I'm a big reader so picking a favorite would be impossible.
Country you’re most excited for? I've never been to any of these countries so I'm excited about all of them!

Name: Brittany Ann Cooley
Age: 19  
From: I'm from Australia, but I've lived in Asia for ages  now.
Is it pop, soda, soft drink or coke? Soft drink   
Favorite verse: Matthew 16:24
Milkshake or Smoothie? Mango smoothie!
Favorite book (other than the bible): I love to read! Anything Jodi Picoult I love!

Country you’re most excited for: Probably Swaziland. I love kids and I've heard there are so many orphans from AIDS there.

Many of you may recognize my first teammate that is listed after me. Ally was one of my amazing Swaziland teammates from last summer. Throughout this past year we have stayed incredibly close and she has been my go to person during some very hard times. I am so excited to be serving with my Swazi sister in Africa again. She truly is one of my best friends and I cannot wait to see where God takes our friendship.

We ran into each other in the airport in  March.
 Jesus is cool like that haha.

I am so excited to see the work God does in and through this team! Please pray for each of us as we prepare for this amazing journey. Many of my teammates are still in great need of funds so please pray that those donations will come in. And if the Lord is leading you to give towards any of these amazing people please feel free to contact me and I can give you their information! 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The plan has changed

Many of you have received my support letter in the mail and have read through this paragraph,

“On August 30, 2013 I will leave for the mission field for three and a half months (returning December 12, 2013). During those months I will be living in Malawi, Tanzania, and Mozambique; all of which are beautiful yet devastated countries in eastern Africa”

In January I started analyzing and wondering about the trip a little too much.   
My amazing Swazi family

wondering if I would bond with this team as well as I did with my Swazi team

wondering if three and a half months was maybe a little too long

My amazing real family...on a weird bike haha
wondering if being away from my family and everything I knew would be too hard this time

As I started fasting and praying about this issue I was amazed at how quickly I became calm about these things. God completely made it clear that HE was in control and that HIS plan is what is best for me.  And all the little things really did seem incredibly little compared to God and His wonderful plan!

As the months when on though, God started stretching and challenging me more…a lot more.

This peace wasn't so evident anymore…and I started doubting again.  

On April 3rd I found out that I would be going to South Africa, Swaziland, and Mozambique…not Malawi, Tanzania, and Mozambique. Finding out this information was harder than most would expect. I had done my research on THESE countries, I had checked out books from the library about THESE countries, and I even started looking up the specific vaccinations I would need for each of THESE countries.  I was excited, to say the least, about THESE countries.

serving food in Swaziland
Then on May 2nd I found out that the length of my trip had been changed. Instead of staying until December 12th I would be staying until November 26th . Two weeks shorter… two weeks less that I can reach out and love those people, two weeks less that I don’t get to be in the place that I passionately love, two weeks less that I get to be with my new family…two weeks less. And quite honestly I was really looking forward to spending Thanksgiving in Africa. Spending a holiday that focuses on food so much in a country that has thousands of starving people was very intriguing to me. I wanted to prepare an African Thanksgiving and invite all of the friendly African faces that I had built relationships with to our feast. It would be a day to remember and cherish forever. But now that will not happen.
Just some of the beautiful faces in Africa

When I found this out I was upset, frustrated, and confused. I found myself asking God, “Really? Is this REALLY Your plan? God, I gave it all up to you already; I already overcame my struggles and doubts about this trip. God, this was not the plan.”

And there is was, in that last thought, “God, this was not the plan”…I had been thinking about myself and what I wanted. This isn't my plan and this isn't my life. I was becoming consumed with things of the world and what I thought was good for me. And when I think about that now I laugh. I am only 19, how in the world do I know what is right for me! Only God knows that. God has a wonderful and amazing plan for my life and I do need to keep completely surrendering everything in my life.  Not surrendering sometimes, half way, or just when I want. Surrender everything all the time.

Adventures In Missions is always emphasizing the idea not to have expectations. Because if you have expectations you WILL be disappointed. There is no way that everything I think and plan out for this trip, or for my life even, can be met.  So, why even  bother planning it? Why create expectations? Why not just leave the planning to God? After all He does know what is right and what is best for me. So this time I really am going to give it all up to Him and trust FULLY that His plan will work out.

There is a reason why God does not want me out of the country those two weeks. And there is a reason why I should not be in Tanzania or Malawi. I don’t know the answer why but I don’t need to. I trust God, I really do! 

Here are the explanations that AIM has given me about why these changes happened. Since many of you are supporting me I do want to keep you informed on why these types of changes happen and that they are still subject to change.

Country Change: AIM is in the process of transitioning out of some African countries because of health and safety issues. Sometimes their ministry hosts have plans that change as well, so they are not able to facilitate hosting teams which means that AIM has to seek new locations.

Trip Length Change: This is due to fit the 90-days in-country guideline for visas. There have been issues in the past with getting visa extensions and it has been decided participants will spend 87 days overseas.

I hope you all understand why these changes have been made and if you have any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to leave me a comment or e-mail me. I want all of my supporters to feel involved and informed so please don’t hesitate with anything you feel you want to express to me.

Monday, May 6, 2013

This Isn't Courage. This Is God.

They LOVE the camera

True Story:
This was part of a sermon in a church in the bush of Africa. This is a church that has hardly a roof, no door, and no electricity. The congregation was filled with many faces that we often see on those late night commercials for starving children and there just so happened to be American missionaries visiting that Sunday.

“For these Americans to come here took courage. It took faith. Because in America they’re told that, in Africa, there’s nothing but poverty and death. That if they come here, they’ll be eaten by a wild animal. They’ll be bitten by something poisonous, robbed or contract a deadly disease. This is all they knew of Africa and yet they came. So for them, it took courage.”

After the pastor had said those words the congregation filled with laughter because everyone (except the Americans) thought there is no way that people could think such ridiculous things.  But what the pastor said was very true. When I tell people I am going to live in Africa for semester I get some reactions like, “Good for you!” and “You’re such a great person!”  But I get a lot more responses like, “ Aren't you scared?”, “I couldn't do that because something bad could happen.”, or even “You might get AIDS!

The truth is…I AM scared sometimes. Not really of the things the pastor said but more things like:

Scraping his bowl of porridge clean
I might miss my family too much,

I might not be capable of helping a sick helpless orphan,

I might have to eat meat (I’m a vegetarian),

 or even

I might have to walk away from a child-run home praying that God will give them the food they need to survive.

The fact that God choose ME to go Africa and love His beautiful people is such an honor and I don’t deserve it in the least! I simply look at it as command and something God designed me to do in my life. And the only way I am able to get over these fears is by the power and love of my Savior.

I don’t consider myself courageous for choosing to live in Africa.

I don’t consider myself courageous for choosing to leave everything I know behind.

I don’t consider myself courageous for choosing to sleep in dirt with bugs and rats.

Loving on one of God's beautiful children
I don’t consider myself courageous for choosing to sit and pray with someone who will soon die from AIDS.

So if you see me don’t tell me I am brave, courageous, or any other synonym you can think of. Simply pray for me. Pray that those fears don’t overcome me, pray for my loving and amazing family, pray that the funds will come, and pray for those amazing beautiful people that I am so privileged to serve in Africa.  

Friday, May 3, 2013

Packing my bags for Africa...AGAIN

That's right.
I am going back to Africa...and I am stoked!!! 

good morning hugs are the best :) 

This past summer God blessed me with the wonderful opportunity to go overseas for a month and serve in the teeny tiny country of Swaziland located in southern Africa. While I was there He not only gave me a wonderful experience serving and loving on the beautiful people there but also an overwhelming calling that I NEEDED to go back to the mission field. As soon as I got home I began my search for where I should go next. After many long late night talks with Jesus, the calling became so clear on where to go...Africa...again.  

So, in August I will pack my bags again, leave everything and everyone behind me, and head off to Africa for one semester. I will be going with Adventures In Missions (AIM) for a second time  and they are an interdenominational missions organization.(I praise Jesus all the time for this wonderful organization because AIM is ALWAYS putting the focus on God and what He wants for them as an organization!)I will be living, eating, and walking with the people I serve. I may do things like feed starving children, plant churches, teach, pray for people in hospitals/hospices, door to door evangelizing, and so much more.  

Please keep me and my team in your prayers as we prepare for this wonderful Jesus filled adventure.  
getting my hair braided in Swazi 

Stay tuned for many more updates and ways you can stay involved!